IR events

IR events Organization of Investor Relations Event (July 29th through July 31st, 2024)

2024.07.29 ~ 2024.07.31
Organization of Investor Relations Event
1. Date & Time and Place Date & Time 2024-07-29 --:--
Place Domestic investment Institutions (Seoul)
2. Target Audience Domestic/Foreign Institutional Investors
3. Purpose of IR To improve understanding of investors
4. Method of IR One-on-One Meeting, Conference Call
5. Sponsoring Institutions Samsung Securities Co.,Ltd.
6. Summary of Key Topics to be covered Explanation on Report on Business Performance according to Consolidated Financial Statements (Fair Disclosure) dated 26th July, FY24 2Q and Q&A
7. Decision Date 2024-07-26
8. IR Material Publication Date 2024-07-26
9. Other references useful for making investment decisions - Non Deal Roadshow will take place from July 29th through July 31st.

- The material to be used during the event is posted on our company website.
※ Title and date of other disclosure related to this one -